Svadisthana Chakra

Posted on August 25, 2015

The second chakra is called Svadisthana, which means “the place where the Being dwells”. This chakra is located at the prostate or ovaries, and within the sexual organs.

This chakra is related to the element of water, to the aspects of procreation, family, communication, and fantasy, and the inspiration of creation. The sense is taste and the organ is the tongue. The chakra has six petals, and corresponds to the sexual center of the human machine.

The psychological defect that blocks Svadisthana is lust. The reflection for this chakra is “the word is sexual.”

Meditating on this chakra, vocalize the vowel MMM as a humming sound, and the mantra BHUVAR. Use this to energize this chakra and to investigate lust within your psychology.


This article is part of the series Introduction to the Psychology of the Chakras.