Anahata Chakra

Posted on August 25, 2015

The fourth chakra is called Anahata, which means the “un-struck one”. This chakra is located at the heart and the heart plexus.

This chakra is related to the element of air, to the aspects of achieving balance with the three chakras above and below. The sense is touch and the organ is the skin. The chakra has twelve petals, and corresponds to the superior emotional center of the human machine.

The psychological defect that blocks Anahata is pride. The reflection for this chakra is “I am no more for being praised, nor less for being insulted”.

Meditating on this chakra, vocalize the vowel O (rhyming with “low”). Use this to energize this chakra and to investigate pride within your psychology.


This article is part of the seriesĀ Introduction to the Psychology of the Chakras.