The Three Realities

Posted on May 31, 2019
Three Worlds by M.C. Escher

Illustrated in this beautiful image by M. C. Escher, we live simultaneously in three worlds, three realities.

The physical reality is like the fallen leaves floating on the surface of the water: the most superficial level of reality, received from the five senses.

The psychological reality is like the fish, below the surface: driving our lives through unconscious motivations, and only visible at certain angles with self-observation.

The esoteric reality is like the reflection of the trees from above. The Being, the divine reality, is apparent to us as a reflection in our consciousness, and only when the mind is silent and peaceful.

Physical Reality

The physical reality comes to us through the sense doors and informs us about what is occurring in the third dimension. A materialistic viewpoint is based exclusively on an understanding of physical reality, which mostly consists of pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain.

The physical reality is the most limited reality, but also the most grounded. Paying attention to the physical reality means that we take care of our physical health, maintain a job or other means to cover food, clothing, and shelter, and can take care of our loved ones and neighbors.

The physical reality is an important context for the fourth way teaching that spiritual initiation occurs within normal physical life.

Psychological Reality

The psychological reality is the invisible world that shapes how we move in the physical. Our thoughts, feelings, memories, dreams, needs, desires, hopes, fears, visions, concepts, ideas etc. To begin to become aware of our internal psychological states is the first step of the gnostic work.

“Someone could grow old engrossed within the intransigent dogmas of official science, studying external phenomena, observing cells, atoms, molecules, suns, stars, comets, etc., without experiencing any radical change within himself. The type of knowledge that transforms someone internally can never be achieved through external observation. The true knowledge that can really originate a fundamental, internal change in us has as its basis direct Self-observation of oneself.”
-Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology

To know ourselves begins with using the consciousness to observe our internal psychological state, to see the contradictions and errors of the ego. With meditation and self-observation discipline, there begins to be an extraction of pure consciousness from the subconscious ego states.

Esoteric Reality

The esoteric (inner) reality is the path of initiation, and journey of the Essence to become soul and to unite all the parts of the Being.

The esoteric reality belongs to the Being, the individual God that exists within the innermost of our hearts. God the mother, God the father, God the internal Christ, God the internal Buddha. From this center, all things emanate, including consciousness, life, and creation.

The esoteric reality provides clues, symbols, elevated states of consciousness, and cultivation of virtues, if we continue to seek this reality. The work of the Being brings the capacity for sacrifice, compassion, and love.

Living in the Three Realities

“Initiation is your own life.”
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony

These three realities co-exist simultaneously. We are physical creatures, with an elaborate psychological life, and based in an esoteric reality that is beyond all concepts and and imagination.

Allow the esoteric reality to guide the psychological work through meditation, relaxation, and transmutation. The values and virtues of the Being will guide us in the physical life.