Ajna Chakra

Posted on August 25, 2015

The sixth chakra is called Ajna , which means “authority, command, limitless power”. This chakra is located at the cavernous nerve plexus and the pituitary gland.

This chakra is related to the totality of the elements, and to the aspect of synthesis from thesis and antithesis. Ajna is related to the imagination and clairvoyance. This chakra has two petals, and corresponds to the superior intellectual center of the human machine.

The psychological defects that block Ajna are skepticism and materialism. The reflection for this chakra is “comprehension is the golden fruit of reasoning”.

Meditating on this chakra, vocalize the vowel I (rhyming with “see”), and the mantra OM. Use this to energize this chakra and to investigate skepticism and materialism within your psychology.


This article is part of the series Introduction to the Psychology of the Chakras.