On Sacrifice and Charity

Posted on February 1, 2015

“Charity. To love human beings in so far as they are nothing. That is to love them as God does.

Simone Weil


“Those who are controlled by the lower self must serve it; those who control the lower self serve others.” 
Sufi proverb


There is no loftier mission than to approach the Divinity nearer than other men, and to disseminate the divine rays among mankind.” 
-Ludwig van Beethoven


“Guided by a light I found my way, and when I came to the place, I saw that the men were careworn and fatigues, yet buoyant with an inner strength, and on each of their foreheads shone a lambent flame. Then I knew that they were the Chain of Initiates who bear the burden of the world and I asked their blessings. And one of them bade me place my hand over his as it clasped the rope; like an electric current there vibrated through me the cruelty of man and the sorrow and suffering of humanity…”
Dayspring of Youth 


“To think favorably of others and to do good for them is Charity. Charity is Universal Love. It’s generosity towards the poor. It’s benevolence. In a theological sense, it’s universal good will towards man and supreme love towards God. True charity consists of wishing to be useful towards others without thinking about obtaining any prize or compensation” 
-Swami Sivananda