The Seven Cosmos

Posted on January 7, 2022

The Word fertilizes the waters of chaos in a sexual marriage at the dawn of life. Thus are galaxies and worlds born.”

 -Samael Aun Weor

 “In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

 -Carl Jung


The Ray of Creation

God descends into matter through vibrations of increasing densities. Each level of creation is divided into seven cosmos. The word cosmos means order or pattern.  Each of these cosmos has its own Sacred Absolute Sun, which is the spiritual heart center of each cosmos.

Each cosmos is governed by different laws, and by a specific different number of laws.  We study the seven cosmos to know our place and responsibilities in the universe.

The Solar logos is the spiritual part of each sun or star in the universe. The Solar Logos is the center of our galaxy and our universe; each planet has its logos which are called the seven Cosmocrators. Melchizadeck is the logos of the planet Earth.


Intelligent Principles within Form

There is an intelligent and divine force, and there are mechanical laws.

Creation exists because an Intelligence Principle, the ultimate consciousness, has unfolded Itself into creation. There are universal laws and patterns of organization that enmesh the original impulse of pure Divinity as it goes deeper into creation. In other words, creation is by definition form, limits, so God has less direct influence at deeper material levels.

God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. What does God not have? Limits. Creation is limits and form.


The Absolute

 “The Absolute is expressed as Absolute Abstract Movement and Repose. The Absolute is the cause of Spirit and of Matter. The Absolute is beyond the mind, the mind cannot understand It. Therefore, we have to intuitively understand its nature.”

 –Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah


The Absolute is the Being of all Beings. The Absolute arrives at and sustains manifestation through the Solar Logos. The Absolute manifests through the Law of Three and the Law of Seven.

The Holy Triamazikamno or Law of Three is the vibratory emanation from the Ain Soph. The Holy Triamazikamno is a vibratory emanation from the Ain Soph and has its primary manifestation in the Logoic triangle; its secondary manifestations in Daath, as the esoteric sexual aspect; and finally its manifestation in Yesod, the sexual energy of our physical body. Its most fundamental manifestation is in Kether, Chokmah and Binah, the Holy Affirming, Holy Denying and Holy Reconciling forces.

These forces are in all things: positive, negative and neutral, they are the basis of the atom: proton, electron and neutron. The law of creation therefore is understood as the sexual force, the foundational aspect of the existence of the universe.

The Elohim (“Gods and Goddesses”) .sang existence into being. Man, the microcosmos, was created from sex, and  “as above, so below” all the cosmos were born from fire and water, in the realm of sexual creation.

The Holy Heptaparaparshinock or Law of Seven is The law that organizes, also known as the law of the octave.  In the octave there is a pattern of seven aspects which repeats itself on the eighth but is a grade higher or lower.

The musical notes, DO, RE, MI FA, SOL, LA, SI create an octave, which repeat again at DO but on a higher or lower range.

The cosmos are organized by seven, as are the planets, the archangels, the metals of alchemy, the colors of the rainbow, the chakras of the human organism, the bodies of the soul.

This law is represented in the seven Kabbalistic sephiroth of Geburah through Malkuth. The seven cosmocreators are the seven archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zachariel, Uriel, Orifiel, and Samael.

“… sublime lords sang with the rhythms of fire in the 7 temples established in the chaos.” –Samael Aun Weor


Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur

The Ain is the Abstract Space, the Ocean of the Spirit. Ain is the Uncreated Light.

All of creation emanates from the Ain Soph. The primitive state of the universe, from where emerges the Okidanokh, which is the energy field that originates all the cosmoses.  The Ain Soph is where the Law of Three emerges from, and it is personified as the Egyptian Goddess Neith. The Ain Soph is the Great Mother, the Immaculate Virgin from which arises all matter.

The Ain Soph Aur is the Third aspect of the Absolute.  The first cosmos, the Protocosmos, the Solar Absolute formed by multiple spiritual suns. Each universe has its own spiritual sun, and all these suns constitute the Protocosmos, the Ain Soph Aur.  Here there is only one unique law, the law of Love.


The Seven Cosmos

Each of the seven cosmos is a living, breathing being:

Protocosmos (first) Note: DO

The Absolute, the Ain Soph Aur with only one law, the law of love. Remember the law of love. When we forget that, we need more laws.

Aicosmos (guard) Note: SI

Suns, Planets, the sephiroth Kether, Chokmah, Binah. 3 laws.

Macrocosmos (big) Note: LA

The Galaxy, the Milky Way and the star Sirius. It has 18 million Suns, and is found at the level of the sephiroth Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth. 6 laws

Deuterocosmos (second)  Note: SOL

The Solar System of Ors and the sephirah Netzach. In the Deuterocosmos we have our solar system Ors, which revolves around Alcyone, and all the other solar systems. 12 laws.

Mesocosmos  (medium)  Note: FA

All the planets including the Earth, sephirah Hod; 24 laws. Each planet is a physical body with a Being. The Being or God of the planet Earth is Melchizadeck. Beings take human form through the Bodhisattva. We need to create a center of gravity in the consciousness to create planetary consciousness. We do this by becoming aware of the needs of all of humanity, not just our own needs.

Microcosmos (small) Note MI  

The human level. Sephiroth Yesod and Malkuth, 48 laws. We can have a microcosmic consciousness of ourselves by being aware of the physical body, and the responsibilities of having a physical body as the vehicle for the spirit.

Tritocosmos (third) Note RE 

The Infernal Worlds, the Klipoth, 96+ laws. The Tritocosmos is the recycling center of the universe. If we do not fulfill our responsibilities of having a human body then the essence trapped within the ego must filter through this mineralized realm to slowly be purified. This is where the ray of creation finishes, it is the infernos. Here there is more multiplication of the law, more pain, more suffering, more control.

We have to dissolve all the laws and return to the Absolute with the consciousness of all the processes of the laws of the universe. When we enter into our psychological hell of subconsciousness and negative emotions, we can feel the change of perception of space, time, others, of life itself. We can vibrate with hell and increase our pain and suffering.

 Laws of the Universe

The one law is separated into three laws: affirming, denying and reconciling. We must put these together to experience the 1 law of love.

The multiplicity of laws within creation is the fragmented pieces of the one law. The purpose of the work is to live under the vibration of the Absolute, the one law of love. When we understand the first Cosmos, then we understand the all the others. Each cosmos is more complicated, more mechanical. Each cosmos is the physical body of a Being with atoms, molecules, cells, organs, systems. By knowing our current level of consciousness we can start liberate ourselves. Ultimately we have to incarnate these three forces of the universe to become a being with galactic consciousness.