Miracles of the Divine Mother

Posted on August 31, 2023

In the early 1960s a series of miracles with the Virgin Mary occured in a tiny village in Spain called San Sebastian de Garabandal. Over the course of several years, thousands of apparitions or sightings of the Divine Mary were given to four young, illiterate girls of this village. When they encountered the Divine Mary, the girls would enter into a kind of ecstasy, with their faces raised up, and many eyewitnesses saw them able to run at high speeds, both forward and back, while in these ecstatic states, and even levitate off the ground. 

The girls delivered blessings and urgings from the Virgin Mary to the people to adhere to the Christic (Catholic) path, as well as admonitions and warnings, in this case addressing the corruption of the Catholic priesthood.

It is possible that the latter aspect of her message was not well received by the Catholic church. So these phenomena, despite the throngs of pilgrims they attracted and the testimonies of doctors, priests, and theologians of the validity of the miracles, the Catholic church has yet to validate this as a genuine miracle.

The girls received objects such as rosaries and crosses from pilgrims, to be blessed by the Holy Mother. Witnesses said that the girls were always able to return each rosary to the proper owner, no matter how many they had. 

To learn more see this film: Garabandal: Unstoppable Waterfall. It shows this beautiful phenomenon of four innocent girls sharing a message of truth and wisdom.