Taoism and the Game of Go

Taoism and the Game of Go

“Mountain monks sit playing go. Over the board is the bamboo’s lucent shade. No one sees them through the glittering leaves, But now and then is heard the click of a stone.” -Po Chu-i, 6th Chinese century poet   The Art of Go In ancient China it...
The Way of the Bodhisattva

The Way of the Bodhisattva

A bodhisattva is generally understood as a being who has reached enlightenment but chosen to stay on Earth, or even in the hell realms, committed to helping every single being reach spiritual liberation. Within the teachings of Gnosis and Kabbalah a bodhisattva is...
Fire Sermon of the Buddha

Fire Sermon of the Buddha

In the Addittapariyaya Sutta, known as the Fire Sermon, the Buddha Shakyamni addresses his monks and describes a world where everything is burning with the fire of desire, hatred, and delusion. The Buddha explains that the physical and mental senses are all burning...
Tao: Void and Divinity

Tao: Void and Divinity

Taoism and Buddhism Taoism has existed in China for at least 3000 years, with mysterious roots in Siberian shamanism and mysticism. Buddhism was brought from India to China around the 1st century AD, where the chief cultural and religious influences were Taoism,...
Bushido: The Katana

Bushido: The Katana

The katana was only to be owned and used by a Samurai warrior and anyone else found to possess one would be killed instantly. It was said that the katana of the Samurai was as precious to him as his soul. The sword is a universal symbol of physical, moral, and...
Bushido: The Eight Precepts

Bushido: The Eight Precepts

Ethical teachings such as the virtues of the Buddhist Eightfold Path and the precepts of Bushido can help inspire us to live a noble life. “Bu-Shi-Do translates as Military-Knight-Ways, the ways which fighting nobles should observe in their daily lives as well as in...