The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius

Astrological Ages An astrological age is a time frame of about 2000 to 2500 years that signifies a particular zodiacal influence. An astrological age lasts many hundreds of generations, and the overall zodiacal keynote is seen in the predominant civilizations,...
The Zodiac

The Zodiac

Astrology is based on the study of the zodiac, a celestial wheel of twelve constellations of stars that appears to rotate around the Earth. From the Earth’s perspective, the zodiac creates a backdrop for the orbit of the planets of our solar system. and the...
Gnostic Astrology Introduction

Gnostic Astrology Introduction

The Religion of Light and of the Heart Astrology is a tool for investigating the cosmos and ourselves. The word astrology means “the study of the stars”. In the ancient Greek and Vedic traditions, astrology is known as the science of light. Astrology is...
The Earth as a Star

The Earth as a Star

Just as we in this solar system called Ors are subject to the influence of its many laws and particularities, people in other solar systems may come under the influence of this unique planet on which we live. “The Earth is a small blue star. The inhabitants of...
Zodiacal Polarities

Zodiacal Polarities

Astrology is the study of the relationships of the planets and the signs of the zodiac, and how this manifests in human psychology and all aspects of life. This article is a brief synthesis about the polarized energy in the zodiacal signs and their associated planet....