The Leviathan

Posted on September 3, 2015

In the Depths


The leviathan is found in many religions and mythologies as a mysterious creature of the oceans. In Isaiah 27:1 he is called the “wriggling serpent” who will be killed at the end of time.

In Job 41:1–34 the leviathan is described as an ancient, fearsome and powerful creature: “Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering…He makes the depths churn like a boiling cauldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair. Nothing on earth is his equal—a creature without fear. He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.”

Primal Force

293In esoteric science the leviathan is the primordial force within our sexual waters. The sexual waters are not just the physical fluidic secretions but the vital, energetic fluids known in alchemy and occult anatomy as the Mercury.

The sexual waters are the root matrix of the vitality of our entire body. The waters contain the sexual forces and desires churning beneath the surface, a realm like the ocean that is mysterious and often feared. In Chinese medicine the sexual waters are called the Kidney Yin, and are related with basic survival and the emotion of primal fear.

Sexual Energy

Our very existence is possible because of the reality of sex, the primal force of the universe. Sex can create or destroy. Physically we can see this with the creation of new life, and also the abuse and degeneration caused by the misuse of sex. The truth is that sexual energy is the fundamental energy of the universe. The connection of atoms to form molecules and the gravitational pull of planets and suns are all of a sexual, magnetic nature.

Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all fueled by the sexual energy within the body. The key to the creation of the cathedral of the soul is with the wise and upright use of the sexual energy, the purification of the sexual waters, and the deep comprehension of the leviathan within.

In the book of Jonah the leviathan is the whale that swallows Jonah after he refuses to preach the Word of God, the Word being the creative expression of the sexual force. Jonah prays and repents within the whale, and after three days he is vomited up onto dry land, and is transformed into the prophet who preaches the Word of God.

Lessons of the Leviathan


The leviathan is the shadow of the Christ, called Lucifer, which means “light-bearer”. Although it may seem strange, we each have our own individual Lucifer, who is a legitimate part of our Being. The Lucifer’s purpose is to test us, to tempt us, to help us in the purification process of the initiatic path.

Just as the oceans of the world are ruled by the great god Neptune, we have our internal Neptune who can help us to navigate the sexual waters and learn the lessons of the leviathan. Neptune, with his famous trident, is the purified, Christic antithesis to the devil, or Satan. Neptune has conquered a thousand leviathans and he is always there to assist us.

We cannot escape, kill, or destroy the leviathan, the primal sexual force, but we can learn its lessons and through spiritual disciple and sexual transmutation allow it to transform us completely. Then we will emerge after the three (symbolic) days with new life and faith.