The Cathedral of the Soul

Posted on August 27, 2015

Alchemical Birth of the Soul

The path of gnosis is the work of the three factors: dying to the ego, alchemically transmuting the vital energies, and sacrificing for others with love.

The second factor called alchemical birth requires the patient building of the cathedral of the soul. As we are now, our soul is but a spark of essence, a seed, which we must grow, educate and elaborate.

Alchemical birth is possible by means of the waters of life and the sexual fires. Alchemically, mercury is the water, and is fertilized by sulfur, the spiritual and sexual fire.

The activated mercury is then able to travels up the spine, awakening within each vertebrae, and each chakra.

This is why the god Mercury looks over pilgrims and travelers, symbolic of our sexual mercury traveling the path of the spine, the pilgrim visiting the churches of the soul.

Sacred Architecture

Just as the great cathedrals are built to bring together worshippers in prayer and devotion, the cathedral of the soul is built so that our Inner God may always be present within us.

Sacred architecture is inspired in the Being, and represents the interior temple which is built in honor of God. The sacred edifice is built in harmony with nature so it can last for thousands of years.

Sacred architecture, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, La Plata Argentina, Teotihuacan, St. Peter’s Basilica, Montserrat, Hagia Sophia, and countless other cathedrals, temples, mosques, shrines etc. are symbolic of the architecture of the soul.

When we study and visit these places we are inspired by their transcendent beauty and mystery, and also by the years of hard work by countless artisans, laborers, architects, sculptors, and painters. Many people suffered and sacrificed greatly to bring these immortal edifices into existence.

The Seven Internal Churches

The physical structure of a church, temple has great esoteric significance. A church, esoterically speaking, is a gathering place for the different parts of the Being. These parts express themselves in the seven superior senses related to the seven chakras.

The root of the chakra, the foundation from where the energy of the chakra can be activated is called the “church” in occult terminology. We see this in the “seven churches in Asia” from the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian bible.

The Church of Laodicia is the Sahasarara chakra located at the crown of head.

The Church of Philadelphia is the Ajna chakra, located at the third eye.

The Church of Sardis is the Vishuddha chakra, located at the throat, or larynx.

The Church of Thyatira is the Anahata chakra, located at the heart.

The Church of Pergamos is the Manipura chakra, located at the solar plexus.

The Church of Smyrna is the Svadisthana chakra, located at the sexual organs.

The Church of Ephesus is the Muladhara chakra, located at the base of spine, the coccyx.

The chakras are awakened throughout the initiatic path, in accordance with the merits of the heart.