Stella Maris: Star of the Sea

Posted on February 28, 2019

“If we want to atomically disintegrate the psychic aggregates which we carry within our interior, then we need a power that is superior to the mind. Fortunately, we have Devi Kundalini inside. Unquestionably, she is Stella Maris, the Virgin of the Sea, the igneous serpent of our magical powers. Obviously, Stella Maris is a flaming power of our own Being. She is our own Being, but a derivative. Stella Maris is Isis, Insobertha, Mary, Rhea, Cybele, Tonantzin, Marah, Diana, etc. Our own Goddess Mother within ourselves can reduce any undesirable element of our psyche to cosmic dust, with the condition that it has been previously comprehended. The Divine Woman-Serpent possesses terribly divine powers.”

-Samael Aun Weor, Pistis Sophia Unveiled



Stella Maris, “Star of the Sea” is a devotional title for Mary, mother of Christ. Mary (mar) is related with the sea just as Jesus (ichthys) is with the fish. The ocean of the Divine Mother in her form as the primordial chaos Prakriti, gives birth to the creature of salvation.

The mysteries of the Christ are the same mysteries of the leviathan, the serpent within the sexual waters that holds the keys to our interior salvation. There is a Kabbalistic teaching that Christ was the tempting serpent in Eden.

Eden exists in a heavenly realm, the fourth dimension, and at the time of Adam and Eve this was the end point of creation. Creation needed to enter into the third dimension in order to fulfill the cosmic cycle but the inhabitants of Eden resisted this process. The fall was a painful but necessary part of the divine plan. The temptation of humanity to leave the garden of Eden (heaven), for knowledge (sex), facilitated the opportunity for true the incarnation of the Christ force on Earth.


“And Jesus was a sailor when He walked upon the water
And He spent a long time watching from a lonely wooden tower
And when He knew for certain only drowning men could see Him
He said, “All men shall be sailors then until the sea shall free them”
But He Himself was broken long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human, He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone.”
-Leonard “Jikan” Cohen

Stella Maris guides the souls with her star, the shining one-pointed beauty of the unmanifested divinity. Christ is the “fisher of men”, gathering the souls lost in creation. The soul who feels called to love the sacred vital energy, to die to the ego, and to sacrifice their blood for humanity, are the ones that may return to the ocean of the Absolute.