Gnostic Astrology Introduction

Posted on November 1, 2014

The Religion of Light and of the Heart

Astrology is a tool for investigating the cosmos and ourselves. The word astrology means “the study of the stars”. In the ancient Greek and Vedic traditions, astrology is known as the science of light. Astrology is both a science and religion. Studying the stars and investigating our own hearts.

Samael Aun Weor writes In his book Hermetic Treatise of Astrology, “Astrology is the religion of light and of the heart.

In ancient times there was not so much division between science and religion, and astrologers were also astronomers. The processes of life were seen as intimately related to the stars and planets.

Astrology as a science informed other studies such as astronomy, botany, horticulture, herbalism, and medicine. The positions of the planets and stars were always consulted for the best times for growing and harvesting, for application of certain therapies and medicines, and for many other aspects of life.

The study and practice of astrology has also been a part of esoteric and spiritual wisdom because it gives us an archetypal and cosmic understanding of the world and ourselves. With astrology the microcosm of the human and the macrocosm of the universe are one.

The Zodiac

Astrologer-astronomers have always known that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun (heliocentric), but astrology is based on the perspective from Earth (geocentric). From a geocentric perspective the Sun and planets move through the zodiac in a line called the ecliptic.

The zodiac is a wheel of twelve constellations which are twelve cosmic archetypes. Moving within the wheel of the zodiac are the ten principle planets which are different qualities of movement and energy. This endless combination of energies describes just about everything relating to our lives as humans, and the world we create on Earth.

The geocentricity is important because the Earth is our home and our perspective matters a great deal for a mystical science that relates to humankind.

The configuration of signs and planets at the moment we were born is called the natal (birth) chart. The natal chart is like a snapshot of the heavens when we were born and took our first breath, establishing the microcosm/macrocosm relationship of our Essence with the universe.

Knowing the language of astrology allows us to read these psychological and spiritual blueprints, showing the universal archetypes that imbue our consciousness via karma and other influences. By using astrology as a map of our psychological mechanicity, as well as our potential, we learn about how to overcome our karmic patterns, and not submit to a future that is predetermined by the past.

Gnostic Astrology Books

Samael Aun Weor wrote two books dedicated to astrological study, Zodiacal Course and Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology. Both of these books discuss the signs and planets in a way that is familiar to any student of classical astrology.

Where his books differ from other astrological texts are in the practical aspects given to actively encounter each zodiacal sign and the divine intelligence of each planet.

Gnostic Astrology Practices

We can utilize practices such as invocations, prayer and meditation to work with the energies of the zodiacal signs and planets. We can work with the elemental deities of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

We can work with the planetary regents: every planet, sun, moon and star has an interior Heart Temple and a resident God that governs that celestial body.

“Mass can only be dominated from the center, and the center of all mass is Spirit.” 
-Samael Aun Weor, Hermetic Treatise of Astrology

Astrology in the Three Realities

Physical Reality  A study of astrology can teach us about our world and the diversity of energetic influences in ourselves and others.

Psychological Reality  Astrology can help us to understand our internal proclivities and blind spots, and thereby learn to generate tolerance and understanding for other people.

Esoteric Reality   We can ask for assistance from the divine beings related to the cosmos which we study, to help us awaken and transform.


“It is really lamentable that this living human zodiac, the microcosm, sleeps so profoundly. On the basis of tremendous super-efforts, it becomes indispensable to achieve the awakening of consciousness in each of our twelve zodiacal signs.

“Light and consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing: to a lesser degree of consciousness there corresponds a lesser degree of light; to a greater degree of consciousness, a greater degree of light.

“We need to awaken consciousness in order to cause each of the twelve parts of our own microcosmic zodiac to shine and sparkle.  Our entire zodiac must become light and splendor.”

– Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology